Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I'm back from Christmas break, it was really good. I got to see old friends from college, they got to meet Olga, and we had a fun time with my family. Olga & I also stayed a few days with my brother at University of Washington. On the way back, it took us 2 days to make it from Seattle to Lexington, because of flight delays in Chicago. We ended up staying a night in Pittsburg, but the airline didn't pay for it because the delays were weather-related. So that kinda stunk, but other than that the whole holiday season went really well.

I saw several movies during break: Elf, Last Samurai, Return of the King, Mona Lisa Smile, Something's Gotta Give. They were all pretty good except for Something's Gotta Give. I highly recommend Last Samurai, as it's probably the best movie I've seen in quite some time. I can't wait 'til it comes out on DVD.

As far as classes go, I've got one week-long class starting tomorrow, Communication for Christian Leaders (public speaking class). It goes from 8:00am-5:00pm M-F. I love intensive terms, January & Summer ones, because you can just focus on one class at a time. I liken it to throwing and catching a bowling ball, rather than trying to juggle several tennis balls. That's my preferred method of learning.

After that, I'll have about 3 weeks off until the Spring semester starts in February. Olga and I plan to attend a church conference in Atlanta, GA at the end of January. The congregation there has close ties with her dad's church in Estonia because of their short-term mission trips. I guess that's about all to report for now.