Scary website

Just when I think things on the Internet can't get any more freaky, out of the blue, I get a link via chat with a friend to the Newburgh Assembly of God. There I am greeted by a talking vectorized Jesus that looks like this…

SitePal Jesus

Curious what type of a service would allow their customers to create a Jesus that says whatever they want, I clicked on over to SitePal. When I said there was nothing scarier, I guess I was wrong, because using their demo tools, I was able to make a Scoutmaster that looks like the old Street Fighter II character Blanka, a fearsome green-skinned beast with orange hair…

SitePal scoutmaster

I am sure that a character such as this would go over well on a youth group website, and would instantly command the repect of the kids. Or perhaps it would just get you laughed at. As funny as these types of things are to me, apparently someone is making money from it, because I see them popping up in more and more advertisements. I just couldn't resist, so I went and created a public Flickr Group. Post your crazy creations there, if you so desire.